1. 請教職員工生儘可能減少聚會活動。
2. 有關遠距教學、視訊會議及異地上班等措施,本校已積極準備並發布相關指引。請教職員工生密切關注學校信箱與網頁公告。
3. 再次呼籲各位師生落實遠距課程的防疫點名,積極建立防疫機制。
4. 請勿散布未經證實的訊息;對居家隔離、居家檢疫、自主健康管理及自主監測等,應具同理心、多所關懷與協助。
5. 再次提醒外出全程配戴口罩,注意自身健康狀況。
校長 許泰文 敬上
110年5月 17 日
A Letter from NTOU President Tai-Wen Hsu to the students, faculty, staff, and parents
Dear NTOU students, faculty and staff:
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for all the students, faculty, and staff for your continued support in epidemic prevention work. In order to enhance our prevention capacity, NTOU has formulated supporting measures at the epidemic prevention meeting on May 13th. In addition to the implementation of whole-school distance education starting from May 17th 2021, NTOU has detailed epidemic prevention measures in teaching, catering, extracurricular activities, environment, and health care. Please pay attention to the updated news on the epidemic prevention area of the NTOU homepage (https://2019-ncov.ntou.edu.tw/), and follow the prevention measures to ensure the safety of NTOU!
Amid epidemic of Covid-19, we should use high specification practice on prevention. NTOU will be rolling amendments to the school measures, following the latest government regulation at any time, here I appeal all the staffs and students sincerely,
Lastly, if you have any concerns or questions related to epidemic prevention, please call (1) Health and Care Team on 02-2462-2192 ext. 1070-1073 during the office hours (8 a.m. to 17 p.m.) and (2) Security Office on 02-2462-9976 during non-working hours. My co-workers will make every effort to assist our families and friends.
Let’s fight this new epidemic and work to restore to a normal college life. Together, we make NTOU better.
Sincerely yours,
NTOU President Tai-Wen Hsu