【Cultural】Food Festival featuring Indonesia

Indonesian cuisine is one of the richest culinary traditions as it is full of bold and diverse flavors. Its richness reflects the diversity of Indonesian culture and traditions. Aside from its distinctive taste, Indonesian cuisine is also attractive by adding unique colors to its appearance. The rich flavors come from complex spices and varied cooking techniques.

One of the famous Indonesian dishes is Tumpeng, a Javanese dish where rice (yellow or white) is formed into a cone and served with other complementary food.  Tumpeng is usually served on a tampah (a round container made of woven bamboo) and is traditionally prepared for feasts, celebrations, and other important occasions such as birthdays, the birth of a baby, and thanksgiving.

The top portion of the Tumpeng is cut off and presented to the most relevant or honorable person in the event as a sign of respect. Everyone eats the remaining tumpeng together to express their gratitude and celebrate togetherness. The shape of the rice cone in Tumpeng describes volcanoes, one of the geographical features of Indonesia.

The Indonesian students made two different types of Tumpeng in the video clip.

Tumpeng Punar


It represents gratitude and happiness to God for His grace through relatives and family. It comes during the celebration of birthdays, weddings, and other happy events. Various side dishes such as peanuts and tempe provide the right taste and blend; yellow rice is usually used for this Tumpeng.

source: https://foodspot.co.id/blog/foodspot-info/beda-warna-beda-makna-kamu-pilih-nasi-tumpeng-yang-mana/

Tumpeng Megana



This type of food is prepared to celebrate birth. It consists of white rice (symbolizing purity,)

and the surrounding vegetables represent hope and prayer for the child's life in the future.

source: https://glodakblog.blogspot.com/2020/10/23-vector-tumpeng-png.html