【Events】2023年HAPPY WINTER SOLSTICE 冬至搓湯圓

National Taiwan Ocean University celebrates the Winter Solstice by organizing a tangyuan-making 🥣, fostering cultural exchange among international students👭. The university recognizes the significance of this traditional Chinese festival and aims to share its cultural richness with the diverse student body. During the event, participants, including foreign students, come together to experience the joy of making tangyuan, a traditional Chinese rice dumpling often associated with the Winter Solstice. This hands-on activity serves as a platform for cultural interaction, allowing students from different backgrounds to engage in a shared experience and deepen their understanding of Chinese traditions❤. The event not only promotes cultural diversity on campus but also strengthens the sense of community among students. Through the simple act of making tangyuan, National Taiwan Ocean University fosters a warm and inclusive environment that transcends cultural boundaries, creating lasting connections among students from around the world🌍.