2024年美國辛辛那提大學(University of Cincinnati) 雙聯碩士申請事宜





合作系所:對應系所眾多涵蓋本校工學院與電資學院大部分學系.詳請參閱連結了解該校工學院涵蓋之系所 https://ceas.uc.edu/academics/degrees-programs/graduate.html 



  1. 經濟合理的就學期間,1年(1學期上課,1學期實習)即可獲得辛大碩士學位資格(MEng)
  2. 約2-3年多可同時取得臺海大與辛大碩士(MEng)學位
  3. 實務導向,美方學位無要求撰寫論文之需求
  4. 就讀辛大期間第二學期可選擇去業界帶薪實習計 
  5. 特殊獎學金計畫可申請




  1. 國立臺灣海洋大學工學院與電資學院碩士班學生
  2. 成績GPA 3.0以上
  3. 英文能力:托福TOEFL 85;雅思IELTS 6.5;Pearson Test of English of 59
  4. 能獨立自主解決問題的態度與能力






Dear NTOU Students 

Very glad to hear from you and to know that you are interested students for the DD program. 

Attached is the presentation about program . Note Luchen scholarship information page 18.

Please remember that the “3.0” GPA is an average over the entire time in university.  An individual module or even semester can be below “3.0”.

Application deadline is March 31, however we really would like to receive students applications by March 15th.

Here is the process of application we set up to help with questions BEFORE student applies and pays application fees:

Dual Degree Applicant Process


  1. Partner university selects students to participate in the program and pre-qualifies them in general based on program requirements (GPA, English proficiency, program).
  2. Partner sends list and questions to Oxana, Julie S  and Eugene with following information:

·        Name, email address

·        Student Undergrad degree program major and Graduate program focus ( what major)

·        Graduate program at UC that student requested

·        Verification of English proficiency (this must be met; will not review documents until it is met)

·        Transcripts of undergrad grades and graduate grades (unofficial ok)

·        The NTOU application requested


  1. UC graduate program directors review the transcripts within 1-2 week to determine fit. If requested program will not admit, we will see if other graduate programs are an option for students.
  2. Partner schools / students notified by email to procced with application.
  3. Students complete application, send email to Julie that application is complete and we complete admission on our side and visa process/scholarship application starts.

Hope this helps. 

Regarding general University information to share with students and faculty – this page has all the information  https://www.uc.edu/about.html.  College website https://ceas.uc.edu/

UC news just published a very good article about international students at UC.

I think it might be interesting for perspective students to read that. A student from Taiwan ( FCU) is also featured in the article.


Best regards, 
