
國立臺灣海洋大學僑生及港澳生新生線上報到Online Registration for New Overseas Chinese and Hong Kong-Macau Students


Welcome to the admitted students of National Taiwan Ocean University!

為了讓學校能夠預先蒐集相關資訊,請各位新生在 8 月 15 日 前 填寫以下表單。
To help the university collect relevant information in advance, please fill out the form by August 15.

填寫時間約為 5-8 分鐘,感謝您的配合與支持!
It will take approximately 5-8 minutes to complete the form. Thank you for your cooperation and support!


Please read the following important information and check "I have read and understood."

入學通知資訊 Admission Notice Information

1. 海外聯合招生管道 Overseas Joint Admission Channel:


The admission notice will be sent by the Overseas Joint Admission Association, typically to the recommending organization or school. Please contact your recommending organization first. If you have not received it, kindly reach out to the Overseas Joint Admission Association directly.

2. 本校單獨招生管道 Our University’s Independent Admission Channel:


The electronic version of the admission notice will be sent to the email address provided during the application. If you require a paper admission certificate, please contact the International Affairs Office at levitt7437@mail.ntou.edu.tw


Important Notes for Overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, and Macau New Students at National Taiwan Ocean University

2025國際學生手冊 點此查看

2025 International Students Handbook Click here to view

若有新生入學相關疑問,可於 Facebook 國立臺灣海洋大學新生群組討論

If you have any questions regarding new student enrollment, you may discuss them in the Facebook National Taiwan Ocean University Freshman Group.

來臺前簽證/ 單次入出境許可證辦理須知Visa / Entry/Exit PermitProcessing Guidelines

請新生取得錄取通知書後,盡快辦理簽證或單次入出境許可證。After receiving the admission notice, new students should promptly process the visa or entry/exit permit.

一、簽證 (Visa)(僑生):Visa (for Overseas Chinese students):

(一) 透過 海外聯招會 管道入學:外交部領事事務局 / 僑生申請居留簽證手續說明
1. Through the UECFOCS Admission:Instructions for Overseas Chinese Students Applying for a Resident Visa
(二) 透過本校僑生單獨招生管道入學:外交部領事事務局 / 僑生申請居留簽證手續說明
2. Through the university's independent admission channel for overseas Chinese students: Instructions for Overseas Chinese Students Applying for a Resident Visa

二、單次入出境許可證(港澳生):Entry/Exit Permit (for Hong Kong and Macau students):

(一) 香港學生:臺北經濟文化辦事處(香港)/ 領務 / 大陸及港澳人士申請赴臺灣入境證
1. Hong Kong students: Application for Entry Permit to Taiwan for Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau Residents
(二) 澳門學生:臺北經濟文化辦事處(澳門)/ 領務 / 大陸及港澳人士申請赴臺灣入境證
2. Macau students:Application for Entry Permit to Taiwan for Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau Residents
※ For the purpose of your application, please select "Study" and avoid other reasons. The duration of stay shall not exceed 3 months from the day following entry and can be extended once (up to 3 months).

三、簽證 (Visa)(港澳具外國籍之華裔學生):Visa (for Overseas Chinese students holding foreign nationality from Hong Kong and Macau):

(一) 香港學生:臺北經濟文化辦事處(香港)/ 領務 / 外籍人士簽證
1. Hong Kong students:Foreign Nationals Visa
(二) 澳門學生:臺北經濟文化辦事處(澳門)/ 領務 / 外籍人士簽證
2. Macau students: Foreign Nationals Visa


New student basic information: Please provide your personal details. This information will be used solely for school services and communication purposes.


Please enter your name in Traditional Chinese.


Please ensure your name matches the one on your passport.


If your passport has expired and needs to be renewed, please enter the old passport number and note "Expired and being updated".


For those who select "Other", please fill in your place of residence in Chinese in the next question.


Please include country code + area code

例:王○○ 阿姨

Ex: 王○○ Aunt


Please include country code + area code


Needs Survey: Please check the services you require.


New students will be assisted by the school in applying for dormitories. Starting from the second semester, students should apply for accommodation through the school's Academic Information(教學務系統).

1. 最早可接受自8月25日後入住,且提前入住的房間與開學後的房間將有所不同。

1. The earliest check-in date is after August 25. The room for early check-in will be different from the room after the semester starts.

2. 8月25日至8月31日期間,每日需額外加收新台幣120元。

2. An additional fee of NTD 120 per day will be charged from August 25 to August 31.

3. 8月31日為宿舍大掃除日,當日入住時間需等至下午5點後。如已提前入住者,須將宿舍用品暫時搬離,並於下午5點後重新搬入開學後的房間。

3. August 31 is the dormitory cleaning day. Check-in on that day will be available after 5:00 PM. If you have checked in early, you must temporarily remove your belongings and move them back to the room after 5:00 PM.


This is only a survey to check the purchasing needs. Your seniors will contact you for further details on the purchasing process.


If you prefer not to carry too much cash to Taiwan or cannot rely on family or friends to assist with payments, you may consider activating an international credit card for payment. However, please pay attention to the following points before activation:

1. 手續費:使用國際信用卡繳費時,手續費大約為3.2%;若選擇使用銀聯卡(Union Pay),手續費則約為2.0%。

1. Service fee: The service fee for using an international credit card is approximately 3.2%. If you choose to use UnionPay, the fee is approximately 2.0%.

2. 無法更改:一旦開通國際信用卡繳費服務後,將無法進行後續更改或取消。

2. No changes: Once the international credit card payment service is activated, no changes or cancellations will be accepted afterward.


This is only a survey to check the airport pickup needs. Our alumni from the Overseas Chinese Students Association will contact you for further details on the pickup process.


If you have not yet arrived in Taiwan, please fill in the next question.


Please note that this photo will be used for your student ID card. Do not upload casual photos.


The file name should be your Chinese Name and saved in PDF format.


The photo must be a recent 2-inch headshot taken within the last six months, with a width of 1.5 inches and a height of 2.0 inches. It should be a high-quality color image.


Survey: Please help the university understand the reasons you chose our school.

驗證碼圖片 驗證碼語音播放器