1. Purpose
In line with the government's policy of "cultivating, retaining, and attracting talent", the Ministry of Education invites various corporate sectors to set up job booths on campus and provide job vacancies and internship matching to help foreign students and alumni working in Taiwan smoothly, grasp job trends, find suitable employment, and work to promote the socio-economic development of our country.
Ministry of Education
3.Executive Organizer
教育部 SIT(Study in Taiwan)人才資料庫計畫辦公室 Taiwan Alumni Database
4.參加對象 Participant
一、參展企業及機構 A. Exhibitors
二、全國各大專院校之僑生、外國學生及校友 B. All universities and colleges’ Overseas Chinese students, foreign students and alumni currently in Taiwan.
5.Registration Deadline
Taipei 15th February,2023
Tainan 22 th February,2023
If you have any further questions please contact
SIT(Study in Taiwan) 人才資料庫計畫辦公室
歐亭岑小姐 Ou Ting
02-22368225 #84216
宋昀珊小姐 Sandy Sung
02-22368225 #84217
For more information, please check the documents on below.