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1121學年(2023 Fall Semester)
海運暨管理學院 College of Maritime Science and Management
商船學系 Department of Merchant Marine    
航運管理學系 Department of Shipping and Transportation Management
運輸科學系 Department of Transportation Science    
輪機工程學系 Department of Marine Engineering    
海洋經營管理學士學位學程 Bachelor Degree Program in Ocean Business Management       
海洋觀光管理學士學位學程 Bachelor Degree Program in Ocean Tourism Management    
生命科學院 College of Life Sciences
Bachelor Bachelor
Master Master
Ph.D. Ph.D.
食品科學系 Department of Food Science
水產養殖學系 Department of Aquaculture
生命科學暨生物科技學系 Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology  
海洋生物研究所 Institute of Marine Biology  
食品安全與風險管理研究所 Institute of Food Safety and Risk Management    
海洋生物科技博士學位學程 Doctoral Degree Program in Marine Biotechnology       
海洋生物科技學士學位學程 Bachelor Degree Program in Marine Biotechnology       
海洋生物科技及環境生態永續國際學分學程 International Master Program in Marine Biotechnology and Environmental Ecology Sustainability    
海洋科學與資源學院 College of Ocean Science and Resource
Bachelor Bachelor
Master Master
Ph.D. Ph.D.
環境生物與漁業科學學系 Department of Environmental Biology and Fisheries Science
海洋環境資訊系 Department of Marine Environmental Informatics    
地球科學研究所 Institute of Earth Sciences    
海洋事務與資源管理研究所 Institute of Marine Affairs and Resource Management    
海洋環境與生態研究所Institute of Marine Environment and Ecology    
海洋資源與環境變遷博士學位學程 Doctoral Degree Program in Ocean Resource and Environmental Changes    
工學院 College of Engineering
Bachelor Bachelor
Master Master
Ph.D. Ph.D.
機械與機電工程學系 Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering  
系統工程暨造船學系 Department of Systems Engineering and Naval Architecture  
河海工程學系 Department of Harbor and River Engineering  
海洋工程科技博士學位學程 Doctoral Degree Program in Ocean Engineering and Technology    
海洋工程科技學士學位學程 Bachelor Degree Program in Ocean Engineering and Technology      
電機資訊學院 College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Bachelor Bachelor
Master Master
Ph.D. Ph.D.
電機工程學系Department of Electrical Engineering
資訊工程學系 Department of Computer Science and Engineering  
通訊與導航工程學系 Department of Communications Navigation and Control Engineering    
光電與材料科技學系 Department of Optoelectronics and Materials Technology      
人文社會科學院 College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Bachelor Bachelor
Master Master
Ph.D. Ph.D.
應用經濟研究所 Institute of Applied Economics      
教育研究所 Institute of Education    
海洋文化研究所 Institute of Oceanic Culture      
應用英語研究所 Institute of Applied English    
海洋文創設計產業學士學位學程 Bachelor Degree Program in Oceanic Cultural Creative Design Industries      
海洋法律與政策學院 College of Ocean Law and Policy
Bachelor Bachelor
Master Master
Ph.D. Ph.D.
海洋法律研究所 Institute of the Law of the Sea    
海洋法政學士學位學程 Bachelor Degree of Ocean Law and Policy      
海洋政策碩士學位學程 Master Degree Program in Ocean Policy    
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