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Scholarship Condition 獎學金條件

  • NTOU Scholartship for International Student 海大外籍生獎學金:
    1. Full tuition waiver 學雜費全免
    2. Monthly allowance of USD 260-400 (the scholarship amount is not fixed and is subject to the decision of the scholarship committee every year). 生活助學金臺幣8000元-12000元
  • Taiwan Scholarship and Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Program 臺灣獎學金及華語文獎學金:
    1. Website:https://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw/web/pages.aspx?p=7
  • South East Asia and Africa Elite Scholarship Program. 新南向及非洲獎學金: Monthly stipend of USD 800.每個月臺幣25000元補助
  • ICDF Scholarship:
    1. For Student Apply for the International Master Program in Aquaculture Technology and Management.
    2. Full tuition, dormitory, textbook cost waiver and Air ticket.
    3. Monthly stipend of USD 630 (Doctoral)
  • Additional Informastion Students:You can contact professors from the Key Labs directly to discuss the details of scholarships and future study and research. You can find the list of our Key Lab scholarships and contact information at the following link. 部分實驗室亦提供額外獎助學金,可以參考此網頁: https://oia.ntou.edu.tw/p/412-1022-10366.php?Lang=zh-tw

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