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Site Map

1 . Introduction
      1-1 . About OIA
      1-2 . Members
      1-3 . Campus Overview
      1-4 . Transportation
2 . Int'l Cooperation
      2-1 . International Partners
      2-2 . Visitors
3 . Others
4 . Events
5 . NTOU Students
      5-1 . Exchange Program (Outbound)
            5-1-1 . Partner Universities' Reference (Except for Mainland China)
            5-1-2 . Exchange Program Internal Screening Guideline (2022)
            5-1-3 . Downloads
      5-2 . Summer/Winter School (Short-term Courses)
      5-3 . Short-term Programs
      5-4 . Double Degree Program
6 . International Students
      6-1 . Degree Students
            6-1-1 . Admission
            6-1-2 . Scholarships
            6-1-3 . Degree Program Introduction
            6-1-4 . International Student Tuition Fee Chart
            6-1-5 . Incoming Students
                  6-1-5-1 . Arrival
                        6-1-5-1-1 . Preparing for Arrival
                        6-1-5-1-2 . Arrival in NTOU
                        6-1-5-1-3 . School Calendar
                        6-1-5-1-4 . Entry Information
                        6-1-5-1-5 . Standard Operating Procedure for Entry Permit
                        6-1-5-1-6 . Students' Arrival and Quarantine Experience
                  6-1-5-2 . Life@NTOU
                  6-1-5-3 . Accommodations
                  6-1-5-4 . Enrollment
                  6-1-5-5 . Student Life
                  6-1-5-6 . Covid-19 Entry Requirements
                  6-1-5-7 . NTOU COVID-19 Preventive Measures
            6-1-6 . Alumni
            6-1-7 . FAQ
            6-1-8 . Key Lab. Research Scholarships
            6-1-9 . Graduation Procedure
            6-1-10 . Courses Map
      6-2 . Exchange Students
            6-2-1 . Overviews
            6-2-2 . Downloads
      6-3 . English-Taught Programs
            6-3-1 . English-Taught Programs
      6-4 . Research/Internship Students
7 . Useful Info.
      7-1 . Regulations
            7-1-1 . International Students
      7-2 . Information
8 . Enrollment
9 . Registration