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Important information upon arrival due to COVID-19:

  1. Buy a SIM card for your cellphone before you leave Taoyuan Airport
  2. Exchange your currency into NT dollars at the airport
  3. Take specially allotted cabs to your destination, public transportation is not an option
  4. Undergo 14 days mandatory quarantine in a hotel
  5. Pay hotel fees out-of-pocket, no reimbursement
  6. If you break quarantine rules, your scholarship will be revoked
  7. Finish the 14 days self health management in the university
  8. Take online classes during your quarantine period
  9. Please inform OIA two to three weeks prior to your arrival in Taiwan

Things to Do:

  1. When to arrive?
    • Plan your arrival 7 days before the start of the semester. It is better to settle down no later than August 15th, 2019. Please settle down before starting the new semester to avoid any inconvenience due to your late arrival.
  2. Immigration
    • Before landing on Taiwan’s national land, you will be given an immigration form to fill out. You will need to have the form completed before you get off the plane to avoid delays at the immigration. Upon arrival at the Taoyuan (CKS) International Airport, proceed to the Immigration Section. When cleared, the immigration officer will attach the yellow copy of your immigration form onto your passport. DO NOT remove or lose the immigration form. You will need it to exit the country.
  3. Foreign Currency Exchange
    • You can exchange money or traveler’s check at the Taoyuan(CKS)International Airport. You can also exchange currency at the local banks later. 
  4. Transportation to NTOU
    • The Taipei International Airport is also known as the Taoyuan(CKS)airport. It is located in the Taoyuan prefecture, about 50 km south of Taipei city. To get to NTOU from the airport, the following consider the following routes:
      1. Route 1: CKS Airport =>  Taipei Main Station =>  Keelung Main Station => NTOU
      2. Routes Departure/Arrival Fare (NT$) Service Hours (NT$) Journey Time
        Taiwan Bus Corp.
        (Kuokuang Line)
        CKS Airport/
        Taipei Main Station
        JCKS Airport: 05:40-24:50
        Taipei Main Station:5:00-23:30
        50 minutes

      3. Route 2: Taipei Main Station to Keelung Main Station (You can either take the bus or the railway system)
      4. Routes Departure/Arrival Fare (NT$) Service Hours (NT$) Journey Time
        Taiwan Bus Corp.
        (Kuokuang Line)
        Taipei Main Station/
        Keelung Main Station
        Taipei Main Station:
        Keelung Main Station:
        40-50 minutes
        Taiwan Rail System Taipei Main Station/
        Keelung Main Station
        Local Train
        Taipei Main Station:
        Keelung Main Station:
        42-53 minutes

      5. Route 3: Keelung Main Station to NTOU
        1. Public Bus: The boarding stop is across the Keelung Main Bus Station.
          1. Bus 103 or 104. The fare is NT$15 (US$0.5)
          2. Bus 103 or 104 will drop you off in front of the campus main gate (濱海大門) or in front of the side gate(祥豐大門)
        2. Taxi:  NT$120-150 (US$ 3.6 to US$ 4.6) from Keelung downtown to NTOU (Chinese address: 國立臺灣海洋大學, 基隆市中正區北寧路2號)