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Life on Campus


  • LibraryThe University Library was built in 1991, is housed in a five-story building with a Reading Room in the basement. The main library and the new (1999) Library Annex are situated directly across from the Administration Building, just inside the main gate. The Library provides extensive services and a public Reading Room to the entire University community.

The following are the daily working hours:

Hours/Service Items

Public Services

Circulation Services

Reference Services

Reading Center/ Newspapers Reading Area

Regular Semester





Regular Semester





Summer Break (Mon-Fri)





Summer Break





Summer Break (Sun)






  • Sports Fields
    • Swimming Pool  is next to Hai Kong Building No. 39
  • Recreation Center is at No. 4 on the map. It includes the following facilities: 
    • Tennis Court is at No. 51 on the map
    • Track & Field Stadium  is located nearby the Main Gate (No. 49 on the map)
    • Basketball Court  is at No. 52 on the map
    • Gymnasium is at No. 46 on the map
  • NTOU Health Center (2nd floor, Student Activity Center)
    • Hours of Operation:  Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM; closed during holidays
    • Phone:  02-2462-2192 extension 1070~1073
    • Email: sm@mail.ntou.edu.tw 
    • If you need any help concerning health care any time, dial the emergency phone number: 02-2462-9976; this number will get you through the on-shift military training officer/military instructor.
    • You can also dial 02-2462-2192 ext. 1132 to connect to the Security Office. 


    There are several restaurants in the campus:

    • 1st Restaurant: 1st floor
    • 2nd Restaurant: basement near the Second Female Dormitory
    • 3rd Restaurant: basement of the Engineering Building

    There are also two coffee shops inside the campus. Many restaurants and tea shops are also available outside the Xiang Feng Gate (No. 44) to Xiang Feng Street or Zhongzheng Road


      Convenience Store on Campus

    There are two 24-hours Family Mart Convenient Store available in the campus:

    • Family Mart I: same building with the 1st Restaurant
    • Family Mart II: near the Male Dormitory and across Department of Merchant Marine

     Postal Service

    Postal boxes are conveniently located throughout Taiwan and one is located within the premises of NTOU. Red boxes are for airmail (left-hand slot) and prompt delivery mail (right-hand slot). Green boxes are for local; the right-hand slot is for mail within the city, the left-hand slot is for outside the city.

    All students are required to open an account at the Post Office. The University will deposit all financial benefits (TA, RA, stipend) and salaries into that account. Opening an account at the Post Office is part of the student registration process. To open an account, you will be required to secure your personal Chinese stamp (available at the store outside the campus).

    The Post Office inside the campus is open from 8:00 AM to 5:00 Pm during working days The Keelung Main Post Office in the downtown area is available until 7:00 PM during working days. The service line of the post office is 0800 -700-365. 


    The First Bank has a counter at the Administration Building (No. 1 on the map). Students can open their bank account at First Bank. However, the bank does not provide a service of money exchange inside the campus. Instead, ATM cards are provided to the students. You can visit the First Bank Website for more details.

    The bank's working hours are from 10:00-11:50 AM and from 2:00-3:30 PM from Monday to Friday. 

    There are 5 ATMs inside the campus: (1) 1st Floor of the First Dining Hall Building, (2) 3rd Male Dormitory Building, (3) Post Office, (4) Food Engineering Building, and (5) College of Engineering Building. 


    Students living off-campus may get phone lines set up at Chungwa Telecom. The company provides data communication, wireless and regular domestic and international telecom services. For those who will apply for a post-paid line, present your passport, ARC card, and guarantor. The applicant must be at least 20 years of age. For pre-paid line, a guarantor is not needed. 

    Cellular phones are very popular in Taiwan. Its application process is similar to a fixed-line service. There are other service providers for mobile communications at a competitive price. For more information, you can visit their websites: 

    • Chunghwa Telecom [Chunghwa Telecom] http://www.cht.com.tw/CHTFinalE/Web/
    • Taiwan Mobile [Taiwan Big Brother] http://english.taiwanmobile.com
    • Far EasTone [Far EasTone] http://corporate.fetnet.net/

    Public telephones can also be found on the streets. They are either coin-operated or card-operated. Telephone cards can be purchased in different convenience stores. All types of calls are timed and charged according to the length of the call and the calling distance. The basic charge for a local call is NT$2.

    For English-speaking directory assistance, please call 106. For travel-related concerns while touring Taiwan, call the following 24-hour service number: 0800-011-765. 

     International Calls

    International calls can be made at a discount price from Monday-Friday (11:00 PM to 8:00 AM) and Saturday-Monday including National/Public Holiday from 12:00 PM to 8:0AM:

    • 002 + country code + area code + local number
    • 016 + country code + area code + local number
    • 019 + country code + area code + local number

    To receive international calls to the dormitories, use the following number:  00886 + 224622192 + 83 + room number

     Getting Involved

    NTOU offeres wide arrays of clubs and organizations representing many fields and interest. For more details, refer to the Division of Extracurricular Activites (No. 41 in the map) for descriptions of the numerous campus organizations. Information about the clubs on campus can be found here

     Tips in Taiwan

    Let's Travel Taiwan! The public transportation system is well developed in most cities in Taiwan, we strongly recommend you start having an exploration plan while you study in Taiwan to discover the harmonious weather, friendly people and rich of historical and cultural scenic sites, we bet you will be surprised and enjoy the experiences while you study aboard. In Taiwan, we have well constructed public transportation system, including Train, Taiwan High Speed ​​Rail, and MRT (Mass Rapid Transit System) and Intercity Buses. In Taiwan, we have well constructed public transportation system, including Train, Taiwan High Speed ​​Rail, and MRT (Mass Rapid Transit System) and Intercity Buses 

    1. Train: Taiwan Railway Administration
      • Tel: +886-2-2381-5226
      • Taiwan Railways Toll Free Service Hot Line:Tel: 0800-765-888
    2. Taiwan High Speed ​​Rail
      • It only takes 3 hours to travel from Taipei to Kaohsiung. THSR (Taiwan High Speed ​​Rail) provides you the most efficient services for you traveling around Taiwan.
      • Tickets can be purchased and reserved by phone or online.
      • Tel: +886-2-6626-8000
    3. Subway MRT (Taipei Mass Rapid Transit System) & KRTC (Kaohsiung Rapid Transit System)
      • The MRT and KRTC are available in Taipei and Kaohsiung, these lines are dotted with a variety of attractions and scenic spots, visitors can take a leisurely journey through most of the attractive parts of Taipei and Kaohsiung by using MRT service.
      • MRT running hours is from 6:00 AM – 12:00 AM.
      • Single journey ticket price ranges from NT$20- NT$65 depending on travel distances.

     Application for Driver's License

    1. Learners for small vehicles should apply for learner's license from motor vehicle offices. Learners for large vehicles should hold driver's license for small vehicles.
    2. Applicants for learner's license should be over 18 years old, and pass the physical examination and Fitness Performance Test performed by hospitals designated by public hospitals, organizations of public health, or motor vehicle offices.
    3. Applicants for driver's licenses of general, light or heavy motorcycles should be older than  18 years old . There is no maximum limit for age.
    4. Applicants for driver's license of large, heavy motorcycles (Exhaust Volume above 250 CC) should be older than 20 years old. There is no maximum limit for age.
    5. Applicants for driver's license of large, heavy motorcycles (Exhaust Volume above 250 CC) should have over 1 year of experience for holding general heavy motorcycle driver's license, and have completed training courses with certified drivers training organizations.
    6. Applicants for small vehicle driver's license should have over 3 months of experiences of driving training.

     Keelung Motor Vehicles Supervision Stations

    • Tel: (02) 2451-5311
    • Toll Free Service: 0800-015-311
    • Office Hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM—5:00 PM


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