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Overseas Chinese
Mainland China

Q 1. What kind of scholarships I can apply? +

Q 2. When to Apply the scholarship? +

Q 3. Criteria of Eligibility +

Q 4. Subsidy items of the Scholarships +

Q 5. Durations of the Scholarships +

Q 6. What documents do I need to open a bank/post office account in Taiwan? +

Q 7. Where can I exchange my money? +

Q 8. How does a foreigner renew or apply for an ARC? +

Q 9. What about scholarships, can I apply scholarship from NTOU? +

Q 10. How can I check the status of my parcel or letter send from overseas? +


Q 1. 我要如何以僑生及港澳生身分申請國立臺灣海洋大學? +

Q 2. 我怎麼知道自己是否符合僑生及港澳生申請資格? +


Q 1. 我如何知道我被錄取了? +

Q 2. 我會收到錄取通知嗎? +

Q 3. 我被錄取了,接下來我需要做甚麼? +

Q 4. 如果我無法如期就學,我該怎麼辦? +


Q 1. 我初次來臺,人生地不熟怎麼辦? +

Q 2. 我需要攜帶甚麼日常生活用品嗎? +

Q 3. 如果我在海洋大學生病了怎麼辦? +


Q 1. 何時需要申請宿舍? +

Q 2. 我可以申請提前入住宿舍嗎? +

Q 3. 我可以和我的朋友住在同一間宿舍嗎? +

Q 4. 學校宿舍可以住多久? +

Q 5. 僑生新生可否不住學校宿舍而在校外租屋? +

Q 6. 我需要攜帶寢具嗎?可以先寄到學校嗎? +


Q 1. 海洋大學有哪些獎學金我可以申請? +

Q 2. 我是家境清寒的學生,為了申請獎學金,我需要準備甚麼文件嗎? +


Q 1. 我該如何取得上課教材呢? +

Q 2. 如何辦理臺灣當地的電話卡? +

Q 3. 如何申請公交卡(悠遊卡)? +

Q 4. 圖書館電腦是否可以使用拼音輸入法? +

Q 5. 如何使用學校的健身器材(辦理游泳卡,健身卡)? +

Q 6. 如何寄明信片? +

Q 7. 如果要出遊該搭乘什麼交通工具? +

Q 8. 在臺每月平均生活開銷? +

一、Regarding eligibility:

Q 1. Can fourth-year undergraduate students apply for exchange programs? +

Q 2. Can students study abroad while being on academic probation? If yes, can they apply for scholarships? +

Q 3. Can students apply in their fourth year of undergraduate study and go on exchange during graduate school? +

Q 4. Can transfer students apply for exchange programs and the Study Abroad Series Scholarship? +

二、Language proficiency and academic performance:

Q 1. Is language proficiency valid indefinitely? If it expires, can it still be used to apply for exchange programs or scholarships? +

Q 2. Can the campus TOEIC score be accepted? Does TOEFL My Best Score count? +

Q 3. Can TOEIC and TOEFL scores be used interchangeably? +

Q 4. Can language proficiency proof be submitted later? +

Q 5. Are there specific GPA requirements for applying? Will my academic performance affect my chances of acceptance? +

三、Regarding the selection of departments:

Q 1. For departments with fewer exchange program options, do you have any suggestions when selecting a school or department for exchange? +

四、Regarding scholarships:

Q 1. Apart from the Study Abroad Series Scholarship, are there other scholarships available for application? +

Q 2. If the applicant does not meet the requirements of the Study Abroad Series Scholarship (for example: non-Taiwanese students, planning to go to sister schools in Mainland China or Hong Kong and Macao, or applying for language programs instead of professional courses), are there other scholarships available? +

Q 3. Will the Study Abroad Series Scholarship be granted as long as you apply? +

Q 4. After applying for the Study Abroad Series Scholarship from December 1st to 31st this year, when should I go abroad to use the scholarship? +

Q 5. I want to inquire about the New Southbound Horizon Study Program. Is it possible not to take the TOEIC exam and just need the teacher's guarantee? Also, if I plan to go abroad for an internship next summer (New Southbound), should I first confirm with the teacher whether the company is okay before applying? +

五、Regarding short-term programs:

Q 1. Is it possible to increase short-term (winter/summer) exchange activities? +

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